Saturday, December 16, 2006

No more finals. Yeay for Winter break. I had to work nine hours today, because of graduation. My feet and back are killing me.
In other news Ben And Jerry's rock my socks off, most especially Vermonty Python. It is most wonderful.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Last day of Lectures.

My room is now clean, well cleaner. I still have a little left to do on it.
I just finshed my last class of this semester. Now I only have finals left to do. I don't have class or work tomorrow and I get paid. I will be a free and richer woman, happiness. I can't wait for finals to be over, but I refuse to panic about them.
Well not much else going on. I'm almost finshed makeing Christmas gifts. Well it will give me something to do during vacation other than work.
Well that is all I have to report. So long monkeys.