Saturday, February 24, 2007

Driving in this snow and ice might not been the best idea looking back on it now. We went out to eat at Chilli's which was great. The weather changed the plans tonight which is sad. I had hoped to get together with Scotty, but it was not to be tonight. We got to the movie bought the tickets and then the power went off. We drove back to the DG house and hung out. Yeay. More later and now back to your regularly scheduled program.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

I would like to appologies to everyone about my spaziness about meeting Scotty. Thank you all for your words of advise and encouragement. I love you all. *HUGS*

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Snowy and blowy

It is very snowy and blowy and very frecking cold here. It wouldn't be so bad if the bloody wind would die down ggrrr... Well anyways. We went to the Greenhouse for one of my classes. I love it so much. I was thinking about volnteering there for my class. We have to do 10 hours of volentering which isn't that much.
I'm looking for Intern jobs for the summer. I'm kind of open on where I want to go. I just want one, well for two reasons actually. One is that it looks great on a application. Two I have to have one for my minor. Darn requriments. So that is what I have been doing go me.
On Thursday for one of my classes we are taking a feild trip to Mississippi River Museum and we have to leave at 7 am which means that I will have to get up at 6am. As you know I'm not a morning person, I'm getting better though.
Ah well off to Geology lab.