Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I love my iGoogle. It is fabulous, cute, and helpful. Sam rocks for helping me get set up and for helping me with my computer. *glomp for Sam* The little pictures on the igoogle are really cute. Today they are braking boards. They are so focused and cute.

In other news I want a Kitty, but I don't think that I can have one. *pout*

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Yeay for not rebellious sinuses. I wish this week would end. It is taking forever. Grr Thats all for now.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Ah, it is once again time for the students of UNI to a mass at the bookstore once again. Buy, returning, and exchanging books. The never seem to realize that they need to have their recepit to make a return or that I'm not responable for the prices of their books.
To add to the long hours of work my sinuses have decided to conjest and cause me massive amounts of pain. I love medication so that I can make it through class and work.
I love my ipod as well. I'm listing to London Calling by the Clash. Yeay monkeys.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Moving once again

Sadly summer is over and I make my trek back to CF. I stayed up late last night packing and getting stuff moved into my car so this morning I could get up and move.
There was one small glitch in this process, well actually two. The first is that I thought that I left my keys in Serenity's car and was going to be forced to use the spare. I found the keys and all was well. This morning I had my alarm set and I actually woke up in a decent amount of time relative to the time that I planned on getting up.
Well anyway my father isn't up, so I can move the big heavy things into his truck. He usually has to get me up with threats of cold water or other such things. (People who have gone camping with me understand how hard it is to get me up in the mornings)
He now has awakened and now we can start moving the really heavy things. I think that I should let him finish is coffee. Bye for now.

It is surprising cooler this morning than I was expecting.