Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I now know why I have such a large amount of clothes. It is so I can go a long time if necessary without doing laundry and still have clean clothes. I am now caught up on laundry and washing dishes. Yeay for cleaning.

I am now addicted to Wow. I'm also lvl 16 almost 17. Curse you guys for making me get WoW.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Stupid Tests

I hate tests. I had a test in Vert. Phsy today and found out that I spent to much study time on the problems and the equations. Hopefully I did well enough to make up on that. Stupid first tests.

In other news...
As most of you know I have a new computer. In honer of Dr. Who's companion Rose and also the second collection of Utena I named my computer Black Rose. I now play WoW more than I should. I feel like I'm behind in levels, understanding of etiquette, and just the world in general. I apologize to everyone who played in the group last night. I honesty didn't know. Stupid new rules that I don't know. They need a manual or something.
My slight addiction to WoW may have impacted my grade on the test today. I take full responsibility for that though. I just need to find a ballance.